Reduce PCB Design Reviews from Design to Manufacturing using SOLIDWORKS PCB

Webinar Info

SOLIDWORKS PCB comes from the makers of the easy to use cad software. SOLIDWORKS PCB enables the productivity needed to design PCBs quickly, along with a unique collaboration between electrical and 3D mechanical design teams. It offers a clear advantage where electrical and mechanical team collaboration is critical for overall success of electronic product design.
This webinar will be focusing on:

  • Schematic & PCB Board Design.
  • Powerful integration of electronic design with mechanical design. Reduce time to market.
  • Manufacturing Outputs.


  • Title
  • Reduce PCB Design Reviews from Design to Manufacturing using SOLIDWORKS PCB
  • Date
  • Wednesday January 20, 2021
  • Time
  • 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM IST
  • Duration
  • 1 hr


  • Mr. Shailesh M Dufare Sr. Application Engineer, BEACON, Mumbai

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