A Guide on Real-Time Task Management with 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Tasks

Pritish Zanjad, Application Engineer Dec 4th, 2023

In the current industry, managing tasks is crucial for timely completion of any project and success of the company. 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Task provides an efficient and easy way to manage tasks in a collaborative environment. One can easily assign a task to self or any other member on their platform. In this blog we will demonstrate a stepwise procedure on creating and assigning a task. We will look into defining title, description, maturity, priority, schedule and other various parameters while creating a task.

Let’s see how to create a 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Task:

  • Launch the 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Task App:

  • Login to your 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.
  • Open the compass and select the Collaborative Tasks app from the Collaborative Industry Innovator role.

  • Creating a new Task:
    • Click the ‘Create a task (+)’ option to start a new task.
    • Enter a Title for the task.
    • You can add a Description to the task if required and then click ‘Create’.

  • Updating the properties of the created task:
    • Title and Description, as mentioned while creating the task, appears in the respective fields. You can edit this if required.
    • Select the priority of the task (Low, Medium, High, Urgent).
    • Assign the Maturity State of the task:
      • To Do: This is selected to schedule a task to be performed by the member. By default, a new task is created in this maturity state.
      • In Work: When the assignee is working on the given task, they will select this option.
      • Completed: When the assignee has completed the given task, they will select this option.
    • Assign a task start and end date:
      • By default, the start date is the date of creation of the task. You can edit it by toggling the ‘Fixed’ button and define the date to schedule the task.
      • Similarly, you can define the end date for the completion of the task.
      • Estimated duration for the task can also be defined in number of days/hours with allowance of flexible time frame.
  • Inserting files to the created task:

    • Attachments: These are the files that the assignee will use to perform the given task. You can attach files such as CAD file, pdf, etc.
    • Deliverables: After performing the given task, the assignee can attach the completed file here.
    • Repository for File Upload: Collaboratory Space to which the files from the deliverables should be saved is selected here.
  • Assigning members to the created task:
  • Click the members icon and select the assignees box.
    • You can assign the task to self by clicking on the ‘self’ icon.
    • Search and select the member you want to assign the task.
  • Candidate assignees can also be specified if required.
  • Additionally, a reminder (in number of days) can be set to notify the assignee of the coming deadline.

Once a task is created, the assignee will get a notification that a task has been assigned to them.

When working on the task, the assignee will drag and drop the task from ‘To Do’ to ‘In Work’. While working on the task, the percentage completion can be updated. After finishing the work, updating the percentage completion to 100% will move the task to ‘Completed’. Notification is sent to the assigner at every stage of updation.

Thus, the 3DEXPERIENCE Collaborative Tasks provide a competitive edge for your company by providing seamless task management and tracking. Utilizing the capabilities of Collaborative Tasks, never miss a deadline and enjoy a new level of growth in your organization.

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AUTHOR: Pritish Zanjad, Application Engineer

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