Don’t Lose Your Work: Autosave!

Varun Suvarna, Application Engineer May 10th, 2021

Sometimes, Design Engineers after a long working on tools fail to save the drawing file. If it is closed accidently by other users or power failures, work is LOST …..….. !!!

Not saving the work

Not saving the work

The best way to prevent the loss of your work is to save early and often by pressing Ctrl+S or clicking the “Save” button. But, still, we forget to do so.

Forgot to save

Forgot to save

How to Overcome this . . ?

In fact, DraftSight has a built-in “Autosave” feature that automatically saves your work at a set interval. A few useful settings can help you ensure that you don’t lose hours of work.

To access Autosave, just type “OP” on your Keyboard

Below options are available when autosaving which was found under system options

1) Automatic save file location.

The default file location temp, we can change it to a local drive as well.

Draftsight Automatic save file location

Draftsight Automatic save file location

2) Auto save/backups.

Enable auto-save: If Enable auto-save options are checked, In given time intervals DraftSight will create automatically backup files in the given location with extension .ds$. If the file is not saved and DraftSight closed accidentally. Just going to the autosave folder and rename file has dwg from .ds$. Now this file can be opened.

Note : If the file is saved at the end, No backup is created.

This option is useful when a file is not saved for too long period of time.

Draftsight Enable auto-save

Draftsight Enable auto-save

3. Save backup at each save:

DraftSight will Control whether backup copies (files of type .bak) are created each time you save a drawing.

Means DraftSight will create a backup copy of the previous saved version of your file. For Example if you have the current saved version and the previous saved version accessible to you.

Draftsight save backup at each save

Draftsight save backup at each save

4. Use the original format.

DraftSight will save the file in its original version type, so an R2010 DWG file will save as an R2010 DWG and not the latest version supported by your version of DraftSight. This option is not enabled by default.

Draftsight use original format

Draftsight use original format

From now, you don’t lose any of your data.

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AUTHOR: Varun Suvarna, Application Engineer

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